Malaysia Income Tax Query
* Telah melupuskan syer dalam syarikat harta tanah dan/atau harta tanah di bawah Akta Cukai Keuntungan Harta Tanah 1976 YA TIDAK Telah melaporkan pelupusan tersebut kepada LHDNM? YA TIDAK for 2016 Income Tax the wording changed to " Melupuskan aset di bawah Akta Cukai Keuntungan Harta Tanah 1976 " Basically this means, If you have sold your house in 2015 from January to December then you will need to declare as YES (YA). If you have declared YES(YA), have you reported to LHDNM? If you have done so then select YES(YA) or else NO(TIDAK). I believe this allow the tax office to determine whether they need to locate you to collect the RPGT fees for last year. For more detail you can refer to Pindaan Peruntukan ACKHT 1976 Perintah Cukai Keuntungan Harta Tanah (Pengecualian) (No.2) 2009 [P.U. (A) 486] For those didn't perform house selling transaction last year, simply select N...